
why there is no black / white theme for a board

@Gunjan_Parab said in #1:
> it would be good right ?
Black usually is bad colour for chess board bexause it damages eyes thats why in club tournaments people uses Green Chess Boards rather than choosing BlackChess Boards . Moreover lichess have the theme go to your account click on board theme .
@I124You said in #2:
> Black usually is bad colour for chess board bexause it damages eyes thats why in club tournaments people uses Green Chess Boards rather than choosing BlackChess Boards . Moreover lichess have the theme go to your account click on board theme .

There is no black/white theme there. It appears to me that you always answer something without checking first if your answer is the correct one.
<Comment deleted by user>
Black pieces would be hard to see on a black square. White hard to see on a white square.
Yeah, I can attest for why there's no black and white color combos through experience. I have a game compilation from when I was a kid called "40 Best Windows 95 Games" (By Softkey) and it came with GNU Chess. Well... Some older interface for it compared to the ones now. But in any case, it let you customize the piece and board colors and I think the interfaces made today let you do so too if you'd like to experiment with colors yourself. So I was like: "Ok, let's make this look like a authentic black and white chess board!" and so I did. But it was eye-searing and I couldn't find piece colors that to go with it because it always seemed like colors blended in more than others like some optical illusion, lol!

Have a look at one:
Even with the piece outlines, you can tell that just the two colors have some awkwardness because black pieces on white pop but black pieces on black blend in more and vice/versa with white. That's why boards on chess sites usually have midtone colors so you can see the square definition but they don't clash with the pieces.

If you are just looking to have monochrome colors though, you can use some grey boards such as Newspaper, Metal and of course grey. Plus a preferred piece set that works for you on one of them.
"Why is there no <something>" is usually an impossible question.

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