
Your Smoothest Mate Ever

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This mate surprised me.
The King was checkmatet on a nearly emty board close to the center.

I have one with two Knights and some pawns, but I can't locate it right now.

Edit to add:
This one

To be honest, after 33.Rxe6 is was trying to drive White King to e4 so that I could fork with Nc5+.
The smoothest checkmate I don't remember, but there was a time when both players, that is, my opponent and I, were surprised. when I accidentally gave a random checkmate, and we both laughed. It turned into a fun moment winning the game in such an unexpected way. Interestingly, I was initially going to resign because I made 2 blunders, losing my queen and rook. However, the game took a surprising turn, and I ended up winning with a checkmate, proving that in chess, patience is tested. The lesson learned was not to underestimate the potential for a comeback.

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