
Sleep paralysis

Stare at the moon light for quite some time, and still staring try to move your body.
It's happened countless times to me. Although I've exacerbated it by poor self care (nocturnal life, coffee etc) I've experienced it since I was about 5. Whatever health issue this is a symptom of was there from the start.

All I'm gonna say is it can happen many times during one night's attempt to sleep. It's a failure to transition from one cycle of sleep to another and can mess up your circadian rhythm along with the problems that created it in the first place.

When it happens, you just remember your body's still in REM and you wait for the lockdown to be over but it's hard to remember sometimes. The blanket smothers you(yeah the blanket is probably the source of the succubus and incubus myths lol, you actually feel its weight on you), you feel you order your mouth to say things but you're blocked etc
Dont focus online much, it tires your brain and when you get away from it finally, then you feel hazy,and what follows is not good. (its not a joke)

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