
Learning and Training

Would it possible to have the option to filter the tactics training to only tactics that came from a certain openings? I would like to study the tactics of certain positions that come from certain openings.

I have started using the lichess training for the first time and must say I have found it rather good. I especially like the fact that the positions are from actual lichess games. True, oftentimes I get the impression that there are other winning continuations which do not get marks, but here it seems the accent is on the absolute best winning sequence, a maximalist approach if you like, i.e ultimate precision and maximum effect. There is no timer,which I personally like, and some if not a lot of the positions seem so sedate and safe that when the tactic is discovered one cannot help but wonder how many more tactics one has missed in simirarly innocent -looking positions. Anyway, I can definitely recommend the lichess training for players of my level, the only thing it asks of you is to remember you are going for the maximum,no marks for good, still winning moves but that fail to deliver the fastest and surest win. For my tastes and needs, a very good tool. Especially as I do not get the "Damocles Sword " of ridiculously short times, within which to work out the best moves.

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