
Play with registered friends

I would love the ability to play with a registered friend by user name rather then by sharing a link. It would be nice to be able to see them on line.

Also please keep registration system simple. I really like that I did not have to mess with setting up an email and that I can unregister very easy. If you do connect to email please make it optional as an account recovery option but keep it able to be solo without email.

Thanks, just found the site and I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can get to my friends page. That seems like a great place to put a link to start a game with them.
You can as you say, go to your friends' page (perhaps by clicking the 'people' link at the top of the screen to see a list of who is online or to look them up if not presently online).

You can message them (no need for email or IM), so, why not message them with the site's game invite link?
I agree that an easier way to start a match with a registered friend would be nice.

Also really like the site too!
Totally off topic but here is the thing - I am logged on, but I can't create topics, touraments or even games. Little help anyone ? I am using a new blackberry bold.
you've played 171 games here, why not create a topic with whatever device you used earlier on this subject?
I wish I could. As I said, I can't create topics. I can post, but I can't create topics.
I don't know how to define friends. -- A little off topic, I know -- but where do I click on "add as friend"? Would be nice if you could do it while playing/chatting.
Unfortunately there is no such a feature yet. But Im sure it will be added (someday).
You might not need a "add as friend". It might be sufficient to know your friend's registered username.

For a recent game at, I emailed my username to my friend (emailing outside A day or so later he started a game by providing my username. The game was waiting for me when I logged in.

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