
Recent Chess engines are scam

What program do you use to for your tests? I know from experience that good testing is not easy, a friend of mine always got everything wrong, his fritz was always stronger than rybka and so on, it is a common thing.
I would not call myself an expert, that is what I reserve for the actual programmers of the engines, but as a matter of fact, I have made some contributions regarding the chess knowledge of SF, in the old days, when it was still Tord Romstad only who was working on it, and I am pretty sure part of that, how minimal and insignificant ever it may be, is still in the program, what may indeed make it kind of a personal thing for me, ridiculous as that is, considering the progress that has been made since then, oh sorry, you don't belive that ... .

i meant no offense

i just need to witness one loss, and i will bow before the truth lol
Do you test in chessmaster? Does it support uci? Some draws will be inevitable, of course, pondering is a source of mistakes, u need an opening book or test positions to start the games from, else you may get the same game again and again, one version is multi processor, the other one single p, and so on, just to mention some possible sources of mistakes ...
I don't agree with that conspiracy. You are basically saying that the developers of Stockfish have been tricking us after all these years and no one figured out. No one even thought about doing that test, only you did think about that, etc.

OK in any case, I made a mini tournament in my computer, only two games because I don't want to waste any more time.

I chose the Benko Gambit because it's a sharp opening in my opinion. As I expected, Stockfish 6 defetead Stockfish 2,1 both with the white pieces and the black ones.

These are the only two games the engines played. I just did that for you, since I don't believe in your theory. In any case, at least was funny how the two engines had different opinions of the positions and then see how eventually Stockfish 2,1 blundered in both games.

Also, to the guy who said that the ones using Stockfish have been fooled. Komodo only took first place recently, and only has a couple more points than Stockfish 6. For us patzers(compared to professional chess players) analyzing our own games, I don't really see any difference between using Komodo 9.2 and Stockfish 6.

My English is not very good but I think everything I said is clear enough.


im not using that engine mate

great games though! thanks :)
Which engine? I used "Arena GUI" by the way.
It has a simple option that says "Tournament" haha. Did all the job for me.
I had offered veritas some help with figuring out what goes wrong on his machine, but he prefers to block me because i dont want to waste more time with him playing against his unbeatable SF 1.1, which is running on an android device btw. I have played many thousands of games testing engines for open source projects, years ago, I don't want to waste my time with someone who doesn't know nothing and only has a big mouth and strong unfounded convictions.

Enough time wasted with another clueless conspiracy theoretician. Asinus and veritas don't necessarily rhyme. Here comes the blunder did the right thing of course, well done and thanks for the testing time.


you are acting like an angry child. Thats why i blocked you, so Stop it.
i dont care if its a scam or not, im just looking for an engine that can beat it. And in that regard, here comestheblunder was more useful than the critics here. That is all.

Thank you

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