
how to recover from rating loss

i’ve lost like 100+ rapid points in the past beginning march and i want advice from others on how to get back on track
I suppose analyzing your games and learning from the losses would help. Additionally, completing ~20 puzzles a day to continue improving.
oh ok alright i’ll take the advice into consideration thank you
@Shadow1414 said in #3:
> Take a break from Chess for a few weeks.

Not bad advice either, but a few weeks might be overkill! Maybe a week?
no. start crying for about ten minutes then suck it up, pull it out your ass and start crying again. once youve wasted 1 hour of your time crying go back to playing chess, losing, crying ect. until you get better at the game and stop looking emo from constantly crying
cry yourself to sleep. It helps, trust me. You don't want rating loss to keep you up at night.
@Savage_Water said in #9:
> cry yourself to sleep. It helps, trust me. You don't want rating loss to keep you up at night.
i like this

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