

OK, so I was using the chat box when this weirdo started asking me things like, "Where do you live?", and "How old are you?" This dude wasn't afraid of anything, I guess, because he told me that stuff about him. And the thing was, he was anonymous, so I had no idea of who he was. If you agree with me that this is creepy, spread the word by saying something at at least five of your next games in the Chat Box. This freak MUST BE STOPPED!!!
That was the messenger...the Dark Lord is comming
Woah... how creepy!! o_0
How old are you?
Where do you live?
I wrote that topic, so seriously, dude, not cool. This is serious. And thank you to the person who actually agrees with me!
Wow, creepy... I've had conversation along those same lines with Iranian kids and bored American office clerks. You're a bit easily unsettled
It's completely up to you what information you disclose, or even whether or not to use the chat at all. You're being hypersensitive. Somebody just cursed on live TV, go away and write a letter of complaint.
Tbh I do that too, but not straight away of course. I usually ask what country they're from and if they reciprocate in building the conversation, they might ask me how old I am and I might ask what they do as a profession.
I don't think that's creepy, and I don't persist if they don't answer my first question about what country they're from. Besides, this isn't omegle or chatroulette or anything, I'm sure most chess players are honest chess players and not the boogeyman in disguise.
I know it's not always a creeper, but I just want to be on the safe side, you know? I know what kind of people are out there, and I'm only trying to stay safe. Wouldn't you, too?

P.S. to the person who wrote comment #7, that is eerily similar to what happened to me...

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