
Endgame puzzles

Hello Guys,

Lot of thanks for the job you've doing here. The site is just awesome. I have a suggestion, though, in order to make this site even better... why not improving the Training Section with a (sort of ) subsection devoted to endgame puzzles? Or maybe a endgame tutor for these classical R+P vs. R endings, you know?
Looking forward to hearing what you guys have to say about it!
See you guys,
Gerson Cortês.
100% agreed.
Endgame puzzles on Lichess sounds like a brilliant idea ! has endgame puzzles, but a limited amount per day for non premium members.
Love Lichess, but we've got a way to go to catch Chesstempo in terms of a training. Just saying :-)
Thanks Unihedron for sharing this link. Nice to know people are working out on this subject. Chesstempo is awesome for training thetasquared, but I think lichess can do better ;)
Play chess endgame positions with the machine (Stockfish-level-1350-2500) or with a friend on

Created from the source: . There is a database of 25,699 located in a chess endings. Each chess endings are available FEN format. I created links for the opportunity to play with a computer, some specific positions of chess endings. 6 stones to be checked on the website: . On around 2,100 positions chess endings.

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