
Broadcast streaming suggestion

Hello All,

I was thinking that since Lichess is an open source platform and there are multiple commentary teams for top events, would it be possible to allow users to choose their custom broadcast along with the moves Broadcast on Lichess.

The user will enter his preferred URL in the broadcast window and he can then see the moves on the Lichess board and also listen to his fav commentary team.

I hope I am clear on what my suggestion is and not confusing people :)
It's certainly possible, and we'll keep it in mind, but right now it's a lot of work maintaining even a single separate broadcast for the lichess commentators so they can draw arrows without affecting the spectator stream. I can't imagine doing it for multiple sets of broadcasters without a better foundation in place that alleviates some of the hassle.
I hope I am clear on the features I request
a) Watch Broadcast on Lichess (Currently we already have it)
b User has an address bar where he can choose his preferred broadcast URL example FIDE or Chess24/com

Now end result
He sees the moves broadcast on lichess (existing feature) along with the source he chose for commentary (changeable by the user)
I dont think this should be hard
The broadcast has no impact on the board and are independent of each other
Oh, you mean to customize the URL for the embedded stream. Yeah maybe, but right now you can watch your preferred stream in another window. Just turn off the the lichess embed.
Why would you want to watch any other stream than Lichess's official coverage ;)

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