
Protecting our planet...

@KoThTer said in #20:
> Malthus is the same guy who crapped scaecityfrom [sic] his rear and was championed by capitalists who labeled China as fascist due to its one child rule...

That's impressively wrong.
@clousems said in #21:
> That's impressively wrong.

Sure. You are impressively correct. I am forever grateful.
To protect our planet {Earth} we shouldn't pollute the Earth . We shouldn't waste anything everything the wasted things should be recycled . We should help animals and plants from getting hunted or getting killed . To save water we should waste water . To save it ..... 1. Close the taps that are leaking 2. use a mug to bath rather than a shower. 3. use a bucket for watering plants rather than a hosepipe.
that's cool and all, but would it even make a change?
@charvishefali1105 and all

Putin has just invaded Ukraine, and nuclear weapons can cause massive starvation and environmental catastrophe...

You could help the planet by dealing with him.
@celinofj said in #26:
> @charvishefali1105 and all
> Putin has just invaded Ukraine, and nuclear weapons can cause massive starvation and environmental catastrophe...
> You could help the planet by dealing with him.
We all can choose - stop new hitler or fight with Third World War
if you live in Ukraine, why did you guys drag your feet for 8 years on the Minsk Agreement? why did Zelensky start making noises about having nuclear missiles in Ukraine? why did he do an about face from calling for the US and NATO to calm down?

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