
Page layout changed for the worse

A couple of days ago the page layout changed apparently and the result for me is that what used to display to the right of the chess board now displays underneath it. This means I can no longer see the clock while playing without scrolling nor see or use the computer analysis without scrolling back and forth. The computer analysis looks particularly bad now since there is some content overlap in this case. This is true both for my Google Chrome Version 26.0.1410.63 and Iceweasel (Mozilla) version 21.0. I tried obliterating all history of content from Google Chrome just in case it would help, but it didn't. The lichess developers have done such a fantastic job ordinarily that I have become quite spoiled -- this is really the first problem I have encountered that wasn't fixed in a day or less.
Both of those browsers are incredibly outdated:
Chrome is up to 48.0 and Iceweasel is up to version 44.0

Have you considered updating?
I see on another computer with Google Chrome Version 48.0.2564.116 m that the problem there does not exist. Is the older version beyond hope now? That would make me sad, but if you say I must then I'll find a way. Seems the trend is so often to make things more complicated and to break the older versions... (sigh)
In my defense, software from 2013 being called "incredibly outdated" is a little exaggerated. I am having difficulty upgrading just the browser on that machine -- looks like I'll have to upgrade the entire operating system. So be it... Thanks.
It's still easier than supporting antic browsers, trust me. And yeah, 2013 is antiquity.
Google Chrome is extremely easy to update and generally just updates itself when closed or will let you know to update it. Not sure the OS you have, but with any of them, it should be just as easy.
same here!

macbook air, 1440x900

the size scalling of the board is gone, maybe thats the problem?
Tangentially related, but I noticed that the UI was no longer scalable after the update. The zoom functionality now only seems to apply when you are playing/analysing a game.

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