
Creating Chess Comic Series, Need a Name!

I love chess, but my real skills lie in art. And I’m in the process of making a chess comic series :D So, I have the concept art, more than 30 strips planned, and 3 strips ready to be inked and lettered, but... My comic strip needs a name! Does anyone have ideas?

The chess comic is a series of strips each around 4 panels long (Calvin and Hobbes styled!). It’s from the point of view of a pawn, whose team is under the command of the ‘commander’ (the player) whose unfortunately not very good at chess. I need something clever, humorous, and chess-ey.

I’m really stumped here, so any ideas are appreciated!
Here’s a sneak peak at the concept art:
I love the POC art! Can't wait until it comes out! :)

By the way, this reminds me of a previous forum thread about getting a mascot character for Lichess.
Pawnage Era.

I will try to come op with something better.
By the way cool idea! You really know how to draw!
Wow, thanks for both the ideas and the compliments! :D

rise_uied: the main pawn character is a wimp, so hardcore pawn wouldn't work. Thanks though ;)

TheIceManV: I like how it also refers to ponder, which means to think something over carefully before you make a decision. Very Chess-ey! I don't know if I'll use it, but I'll keep it in the back of my mind :D

Unihedron: Thanks a lot! I'll definitely make a post then when I have a good amount of comic ready :D I never heard about this mascot, though. (research time :)

HereComesTheBlunder: I see what you did there :D Also not sure if I'll use it, but I'll keep this one in the back of my mind too, because I really like it.

Also thanks! I got the idea while joking around and playing chess with a friend :D I think that there is a pretty large chess community on the internet but not enough random chess content for all of us addicts... time to fix that!

Looks good :)

Please, it's a Knight, not a Horse :)
How about "Zugzwang" Not a good position to be in...No good move to be had :]
Looks good!

I'll throw in these ideas...

Two Steps Forward
Pawn Island
Hanging with Pawns
No Sacs Please!
Skylark (the pawn) does not horseplay, he more like captures like a wimpy Bishop, one step at a time.

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